Posts Tagged ‘nia focus’


    Wiggle your way into shape with  ZUMBA & NIA! ONLY $7.00  a class from August 11th-15th! Dance your way out of summer and into the school year with one of these classes: Purchase can made online or at the time of the class but space is limited so sign up now! No limit. […]

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Nia class

“INTRODUCTION TO NIA” A three-week workshop with Paula Chambers Nia (No-Impact Aerobics) is a beautiful, fun, SAFE form of exercise that gives you a great whole-body workout while delighting your soul and expanding your mind. Unlike other dance forms, Nia is about how your body FEELS, not how it looks. It is movement as sensation. […]

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Nia, Nia, Nia

By On December 11, 2013 · 1 Comment

Nia Dance!

Nia, Nia, Nia. I often find myself thinking, “Wow, how is it that Nia is still so under-appreciated?” This question involves many factors for me and is the result of having been a teacher for several years, watching classes come and go and small groups of diehard students show up here and there. It’s kind of […]

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Meet Jana! “Pilates played a huge roll for me in losing 80 pounds, feeling better in my clothes, and changing my life completely. I love Pilates so much, I took the Teacher Training Course so I can share it with others! To find out more visit  

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Delve into your roots- the roots that connect your body to your family, to the earth & to your desire to move & dance! Your dance will blossom most freely when it is grounded in your own fertile soil. Sense the souls of your feet and base of your pelvis and how they connect to […]

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There was a story circulating around about a Ted talk that had been given by a brain scientist. The scientist started by saying that the brain has the ability to regenerate and to heal. The way in which this occurs however, was the controversy for a  scientist because it has to do with “Big Ideas” […]

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Have you ever noticed how differently you relate to each seasons authentic vibe? If summer were to coordinate into a song & a dance can you imagine all of the melodies, harmonies, percussion & shapes it would take? When you are out in the world take a moment to use the intimacy of listening & […]

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What is inner knowing? How do you know when you are using it? Is it a place, a feeling or both? I had a funny and profound experience years ago in my Nia blue belt training with Carlos Rosas, one of the creators of Nia, on just this subject. He was guiding us through a […]

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This month’s Nia focus is centered on the Cultivation of your Core! What thoughts and  images come to mind when you think of your “Core”? Do you think of it just as muscles that are engaged to create the feeling of support for exercise & your posture? Have you ever thought about the bodies center […]

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