

The exercise regimen he created that has persevered in efficacy and popularity for over a century continues to keep its participants young and healthy in mind and body. Why is Pilates so effective at combating age?

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tone your legs

Throughout the month of January, various group classes at Pilates Studio City will focus on toning the booty and legs. This particular focus was requested by more than a few clients. We heard you and we are delivering! While I know that none of us, male or female, would mind having a shapelier lower half […]

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lungs and breath

It is no wonder that Joseph Pilates described breathing as the “internal shower of the body.” So breathe well and deep, and do Pilates to improve your immune system!

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We’re excited to announce Eric Franklin will be offering a Franklin Method 2-day certification course in Sherman Oaks, California, Feb 22-23rd, 2020! Join us at Fascia Trainer for the Low Back ~ Embodiment of Fascia Training For a Strong Back Become a Franklin Method Trainer and learn how to train your fascia in a well-directed […]

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Many people are familiar with the advice to “eat the rainbow,” i.e., eat a variety of foods of different colors, shapes, and sizes. In doing so, you will consume a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins. Additionally, you will beneficially challenge your metabolic system to find a way to break down each new type of food you eat. The same advice applies to your workouts.

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2020 is just a few weeks away! We’re starting not just a new year, but a new decade! And with the new year comes New Year’s resolutions, many of them oriented toward health and fitness goals. While these goals are set with the loftiest of intentions, most are not accomplished. How can we find success this year?

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The plank is a favorite among Pilates instructors because it challenges the entire body, requiring the whole body to work together from head to toe. Requiring no equipment and little space, the plank is a convenient exercise to have in your repertoire.

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From new workouts to modern therapies, there are plenty of opportunities to help people reach their best mental state. This is where Pilates comes in.

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Complementing our schedule of Pilates mat classes, our GYROKINESIS® schedule is expanding! Now your spine can enjoy the spirals of GYROKINESIS® on the weekend as well with Stephanie on Saturdays at 2pm! Read more to learn about GYROKINESIS®!

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Evan offers private bodywork sessions.

Pilates Studio City is so excited to offer private bodywork sessions with Evan, a licensed massage therapist and clinical bodywork practitioner!

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Community of movers

How can we as a community of movers support each other? How can our conversation and words build each other up and help one another stay on track mentally and physically?

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joy in movement

Pilates Studtio City is celebrating its 15th anniversary! Let’s celebrate with memories shared by teachers, staff, and clients!

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