Set Yourself Up for Success in the New Year
By Jenny Kornfeld On December 13, 2019 · Leave a Comment
2020 is just a few weeks away! We’re starting not just a new year, but a new decade! And with the new year comes New Year’s resolutions, many of them oriented toward health and fitness goals. While these goals are set with the loftiest of intentions, most are not accomplished. How can we find success this year?

There has been much research done on our ability to successfully achieve our goals. So what is the key? Readiness to change has the greatest contribution to success. With that in mind, what are you going to change? Yes, if you want different, improved health, you must have different behavior. You must be ready to change!
According to one study, there are 5 stages of change. In which stage are you currently?
1) Precontemplation: unaware of the problem behavior and unready to change for many months
2) Contemplation: aware of the need to change but not committed to change
3) Preparation: ready for change to occur within a month with a specific plan of action
4) Action: change has already occurred
5) Maintenance: six months of change has occurred
Where do you need to be by January 1st to successfully achieve your resolution? At stage 4! If you are not at stage 4 at this point, identify where you are and set realistic goals from there.
Exercise Your Willpower

What is the best use of your willpower? Small changes. Focus on making small changes to habits you already have in place. Cut back on certain foods rather than removing them from your diet completely. Add healthy foods to the food you already eat. Make small adjustments to your exercise routine, such as adding time to your cardio or adding another class to your weekly routine.
Make 2020 the year you achieve your health and fitness goals by being ready to change, identifying your stage of change, and exercising without overtaxing your willpower! And tell Pilates Studio City how we can help in the comments below!
The suggestions above were summarized from a wonderful and detailed article on setting and achieving realistic resolutions. For a more in-depth understanding, read the article here!