We all know we need to breathe but it’s one of those things that we tend to forget about, especially during stressful times when our breathing can become shallow and weak.
So, why learn how to breathe properly? Breath is the foundation for life. It is involved in everything we do whether we are conscious of it or not. As Joseph Pilates said, “Above all, learn how to BREATHE correctly.” Click here to learn more about the amazing benefits you can reap from improving your breathing!
Everyone can benefit from learning how to breathe properly and efficiently. By focusing on your breath during your mat exercises, you can develop a deeper connection to your body, mind, and spirit. Lying on your back in the supine position provides excellent feedback to whether you have tapped into breathing into the back of your ribcage. In this position notice if you are able to maintain contact between your ribcage and the mat.
Another exercise to help find your breath is a simple one: place your fingertips on the back of your rib cage (thumb at the front). Inhale into the back of your ribs, allowing them to expand into your hands. Then exhale all the air from your ribs feeling your hands come together. You can also play with your breath during the 100s. For example, instead of inhaling for 5 and exhaling for 5, try changing it up by inhaling for 3 and exhaling for 7 or vice versa to see how well you can control your breath.
Come take one of our BREATH-focused mat classes throughout the month of December and aspire to expand your body with air.
Studio City:
6:30pm Level 2 Mat with Nancey
December 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
11am Gyrokinesis with Nikki
December 4, 11, 18, 25
7pm Level 2 Mat with Marivi
December 4
10am NIA with Nikki
December 5, 12, 19, 26
7:30pm Level 1 Mat with Melissa
December 5, 12
11am Level 3 Mat with Chad
December 21
Porter Ranch:
5pm Level 2 Mat with Jenny
December 9, 30
10am Level 2 Mat with Jenny
December 17, 31
5pm Level 2 Mat with Andrea
December 10
8pm Level 1 Mat with Andrea
December 10
9am Level 1 Mat with Jenny
December 5, 26