HOW should I do Pilates? Private Training VS. Group Classes
By Jenny Kornfeld On June 10, 2014 · 3 Comments
Pilates uniquely offers its clients a wide range of settings, from private sessions that incorporate multiple apparatuses to class settings both on equipment and on the mat.
While classes, on equipment or on the mat, deliver a fun communal setting and motivation, private sessions provide a customized workout specific to your body’s strengths, weaknesses, and your goals as well as deliver an opportunity to fine-tune your form.
With so many options and factors to consider, what is the best choice for you, your body, and your wallet?
Well, why choose?
If each setting delivers unique benefits, utilize them all! Mix and match mat classes, equipment classes, and private sessions into your workout to receive the best results. And remember: Joseph Pilates did not separate his exercises into mat versus equipment. Rather, he viewed all the exercises as important ingredients in his recipe. We would do well to do the same.
Even if your budget limits you to taking mostly classes, plan to invest in a private session or two once every two to three months. The private training will address any bad habits you may be developing in your form as well as help you dig a little deeper and get a better return on those classes!
Where to Start?
Everyone should begin Pilates with private, one-on-one training, especially if you are concerned about cost! You will save yourself a lot of time and money by investing in private sessions at the beginning of your Pilates journey.
Pilates has a unique language, both verbal and physical. Additionally, your body has its own posture, habits, strengths, and weaknesses. Private training will allow you and your body to learn the language. It will also allow you and your instructor to develop a better understanding of where your body is, where you want to take it, and how to take it there. You will get more out of your classes once you get there, and you will find that you are getting more out of your other physical activities, be it running, spinning, or golf! For most clients, just a few weeks of private training will set you up to benefit greatly from classes.
Its interesting to learn that one-on-one training is the best beginning course money wise. I’m trying to convince my husband to join me to improve our posture, health and other physical activities. I wonder if it would be just as effective to hire and private instructor for the both of us?
What a great goal of improving your health together! Semi-private Pilates sessions would definitely be an effective way to meet that goal. It’s most efficient for you both to get at least a few private sessions separately before beginning semi-privates. For instance, Pilates Studio City offers an intro package that consists of 5 private sessions. By each of you completing one of these packages on your own, you would each have a really solid foundation in your mind and body; and then you could move forward building off that foundation and make the most of your semi-private sessions together!
Thanks for the great question! Wishing you the best in your health and movement goals!
I think that it’s really interesting how you point out that private sessions should be scheduled every two or three months. I can understand the value and convenience in having big group training sessions because more people can meet and support each other and keep each other going, but it’s also true that there’s a lot of individual improvement that’s lost in that process. I’ll have to consider this for my next Pilates class because I’ve just been going to big group sessions so far.