It’s like that old saying, “If you don’t use it, you lose it.” Balance is exactly that. It’s a very important tool to sharpen because if not, then like a muscle that’s not moved or exercised, it can and will atrophy.
Everyone can benefit! For starters, it’s good prevention. As we age we are more likely to fall or trip due to a lack of balance. If we practice to challenge our balancing tools, then we can help improve our awareness and develop a heightened sense of ourselves in space, otherwise known as proprioception. Once you are able to tap into those key areas of the body, your connection to this “sixth sense” can be greatly utilized day to day. Simple activities such as walking or riding a bike can have great improvement with better balance.
Pilates is a mind-body conditioning and an excellent way to help build the blocks for better balance. In Pilates mat class we are usually grounded to the floor, stabilizing and strengthening our core muscles while creating movement with our global muscles. This type of concentration creates better alignment and function in the body, which then creates better awareness and balance.
Such Pilates movements include: rolling like a ball, mermaid, side kick kneeling, boomerang, and seal.
For a quick challenge, simply close your eyes while standing, pull the abdominals in tightly, and try to rise onto the toes and hold. Think of lengthening out from the crown of the head. Modify with eyes open or one hand against the wall.
Check out our Balance-focused mat classes in the month of November:
At Studio City:
6:30pm Level 2 Mat class with Nancey
November 12th, 19th
7:30pm Level 1 Mat class with Jerin
November 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
7pm Level 2 Mat class with Marivi
November 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
7:30pm Level 1 Mat class with Melissa
November 7th
At the Annex:
10:15am Level 2 Mat class with Jerin
November 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
9am Level 1 Mat class with Keiko
November 15th
At Porter Ranch:
12pm Level 2 Mat class with Shay
November 3rd, 17th
5pm Level 2 Mat class with Jenny
November 11th, 25th
10am Level 1 Mat class with Jenny
November 12th, 26th
5pm Level 2 Mat class with Andrea
November 12th
8pm Level 1 Mat class with Andrea
November 12th
7pm Level 2 Mat class with Mila
November 13th, 20th
9am Level 1 Mat class with Jenny
November 7th, 21st