Free ResourcesWhat Keeps You Feeling Young!

Enjoy each day, smile more, eat healthy, think like a kid, breathe deeply, spice up your life, get busy (you know what we mean ;)—and move your body. We can help you with the last one!


Smart MEN do Pilates

Why Smart Men Do Pilates My first Pilates instructor was male. My training instructors were both men, and some of the most known and respected Pilates masters are men. Let’s also not forget that Joseph Pilates was, well, male. So why aren’t more men doing Pilates? The first thing that most men say when you […]

Adam Feels Young Again – He Does Pilates!

Meet Adam! “I was told that I had the back of an 80 year old. After doing Pilates, my back feels like I am 30 again! I love the mind body connection I found with Pilates and I feel stronger and healthier. Here’s the deal-Pilates is exercise for Smart Men!” To find out more visit […]

Robin’s a Mom Who Feels Healthy, Connected & Strong!

Meet Robin! “I am a mom who does Pilates and I feel healthy, connected and strong. I hear about my friends aches and pains and that motivates me to stick with Pilates routine to keep my  knees, hips and body healthy. I loves that I found Pilates!” To find out more visit

Pilates Keeps Ruth Balanced and Young

Meet Ruth! “I am 72 years old and have been doing Pilates for 7 years at Pilates Studio City. I know that for an older body, Pilates is THE best exercise there is. Pilates has helped me with coordination, strength, flexibility and balance. And the BEST part is it’s FUN!”   Try this fun and […]

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